resolve weakens 意味

  • 《one's ~》決心が鈍る


  1. when i'm with you , my resolve weakens .
    オレが いつ仕事 なめたっていうんです?


        determination weakens:    《one's ~》決心が鈍る
        resolution weakens:    《one's ~》決心が鈍る
        disease that weakens the muscles:    筋力{きんりょく}が低下{ていか}する疾患{しっかん}
        resolve:     1resolve n. 決心, 決意; 不屈. 【動詞+】 abandon one's first resolve 初心を捨てる break one's resolve 自分が決めたことを破る display resolve 決意を示す form a resolve 決心する It fortified my resolve to
        resolve to:    ~すると固く決心{けっしん}する
        to resolve:    to resolve 思い立つ おもいたつ
        with a resolve to:    ~する決意{けつい}で
        brave resolve:    勇敢{ゆうかん}な決断{けつだん}
        by noble resolve:    立派{りっぱ}な決断{けつだん}によって
        difficult to resolve:    《be ~》解決{かいけつ}が難しい
        display resolve:    決意を示す
        doing (with resolve):    doing (with resolve) 決行 けっこう
        express the resolve of:    ~の決意{けつい}を表明{ひょうめい}する
        firm resolve:    堅い[ひるまぬ?毅然{きぜん}たる]決意{けつい}
        flinty resolve:    非常{ひじょう}に固い決意{けつい}


  1. "resolve various difficult problems that confront the international community" 意味
  2. "resolve various environmental problems" 意味
  3. "resolve various working-level issues" 意味
  4. "resolve violent conflict" 意味
  5. "resolve water shortages" 意味
  6. "resolve with antibiotic therapy alone" 意味
  7. "resolve with discontinuation of the drug" 意味
  8. "resolve with rest" 意味
  9. "resolve world problems" 意味
  10. "resolve violent conflict" 意味
  11. "resolve water shortages" 意味
  12. "resolve with antibiotic therapy alone" 意味
  13. "resolve with discontinuation of the drug" 意味

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